Foxy told his story to the staff at both Boardwalk and Cape Road stores which moved a couple of the guys close to tears. The Bullet (Chris Thorpe) was drizzing proper but the ladies cajoled him (perhaps that was part of the plan?).
The first day was about 85kms so not too tough (thanks to Mr Wilson for those lifts up the last two hills), even for me and clearly a cake walk for the seasoned riders. After which we pulled in Jay Bay and stayed at a world class guesthouse at Supertubes. I highly recommend it if you ever get down that way.
Later that night we had the obligatory debrief from our illustrious leader and chief architect of the ride, Cesar Dias. A couple of the top guys were swerving into the oncoming lane and doubling back so they got a bollocking - I dont blame them though, it must be tough have to hold back for us back-enders.
Later we had the fines and some anonymous guy got a whip-smacked for his "buffalo" theory. It goes like this... toward the end of the ride, apparently some of the good riders drop back to the tail of the peloton to see which ladies are "wounded", ie, hurting from a hard day on the bike. Apparently these are the ones you want to target later on over a few drinks because they will, and I quote: "struggle to put up a fight". Needles to say this went down very well the blokes, but like the proverbial lead balloon with the women. Personally, I think it was disgusting and an affront to the massive progress we have made with the women's liberation movement. (Not really - I thought it was genius.)
Other fines went to Chas Michael Michaels (Antonio) for being porra; Odelle (aka Sporty Spice) for walking in on Selwyn having a shower, pretending to "brush her hair" (whatever - word has it that she wanted to see Selwyn's legend); the three ladies from the UK for being "newbies". I got one for being a fat australian (how original). Bullet got nominated for stealing Matrona's bag but managed to smooth talk his way out of it (funny that).
Lawrence, Brendan Day, Kim Smith and the other support members have been unbelievable. Their work has been nothing short of unreal with drink stops, food and Nandos banners laid out as we come to each and every stop. They have also left gifts and kit in our rooms, organised our bags to be sent to our rooms and the list goes on.
I would love to give you some stories about what it is like up the front of the peloton but unfortunately I was at the back making sure the slower riders were okay (yep - lying - just fat and slow). I must say it is quite an amazing sight to behold with some 35 riders ahead, spread over about a 1km with all the support cars.
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