Eugene came up with another cracker today on the bike: "Having a friend like Antonio is like having a hoare for a mother... you dont tell anyone".
We had the tan walk-off tonight... The Pro (mike vilojeon) won with probably the best cycling badge in the world - the obligatory arms and legs but coup de grace was the sock tan - wicked. Runner up was Charelene from vector logistics, third Julian Bryant, Odelle fourth and kelvin fifth. My man of the match was Chas (Antonio) in nothing but his Ed Hardy undies that are ornated with a huge angry Tiger on the front... right where the privates are located. The icing on the cake was the cowboy boots that adorned his peddlars (feet).
Today we did 170 odd kms. 10 hours on the bike. Einah.
The star of todays ride, by everyone's account was "The Notcha". It is an Australian term for what is medically know as the perineum, but to Aussies it is that part that is "notcha balls, notcha bum". Today was long and hard like Chinese algebra (did you know that there are over 1400 characters in their alphabet?).
Everyone is happy to be off the bike and amped to get some shut eye before the 6am start tomorrow.
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